Redress Design Award 2021 Semi-FINALIST


Saskia is a semi-finalist of the Redress Design Award 2021 as well as a semi-finalist of the 2020 cycle. She holds a BA Fashion Design from Whitehouse Institute of Design, Australia.

In an era where eco-anxiety is on the rise, designers have an obligation to consciously drive a shift to restore the balance between planetary resources and the industry. Fashion weaves stories, and collections take time and love to develop and produce - that’s why it is imperative we reframe the way we value our garments by inspiring a slowing down of fashion’s cycles.” - Saskia Baur-Schmid

redress Design Award Collection

Saskia’s Redress Design Award collection, ‘Epilogue’, is part response, part provocation, part celebration of upheaval, newfound change and challenged narrative that has been a by-product of the global disruption caused by the pandemic and our human and planetary need for rest; and the positive change this may bring as a result. Through intricate zero-waste pattern-making, Saskia combines damaged and industry surplus textiles with recycled textiles focusing on natural and low impact materials to create trans-seasonal and timeless pieces.
