2022 Nawoda Bandara

Nawoda Bandara

Redress Design Award 2022 FINALIST


Nawoda Bandara is a finalist of the Redress Design Award 2022. She holds a BA (Hons) in Fashion and Textile Design from Northumbria University (AOD, Sri Lanka).

“Sustainability means to care. Once you start to care about people and the environment, it changes everything you do or create.” - Nawoda Bandara

redress Design Award Collection

Nawoda’s Redress Design Award collection, ‘REALITE’, draws inspiration from vintage military silhouette details to represent the powerful army of LGBT warriors. It is a unisex, multi-seasonal, multi-functional, mix-and-match, biodegradable, and recyclable collection made with upcycled textiles such as sampling yardage and damaged deadstock knitted collars. The garments also make use of natural dyeing techniques such as rust-dyeing and have buttons made from coconut shells.

Nawoda was also a semi-finalist of the Redress Design Award 2021.


Sri Lanka

Zero-waste, Upcycling
