Burachat Tangjitaree

Burachat Tangjitaree

Redress Design Award 2017 Semi-FINALIST


Burachat Tangjitaree was a semi-finalist of the Redress Design Award 2017. She is currently a fashion illustrator and designer, and an instructor at  the Bunka Fashion Academy, Thailand.

In this world of fast fashion, we have lost our sense of value in what we buy. I would like to show people the beauty and value beneath the surface of our clothes - the memories embedded in each flaw and stitch. Just like an artist’s brush stroke contains meaning and can tell a story, in my creations I want to express the uniqueness of each piece through its fabric and make people think twice about secondhand clothing. - Burachat Tangjitaree

redress Design Award Collection

For her Redress Design Award (formerly the EcoChic Design Award)application, Burachat applies the up-cycling and reconstruction techniques to transfom cut-and-sew waste and secondhand garments. Her inspiration comes from the fabrics themselves and a desire to inspire others to see greater value in the clothing they buy.




Up-cycling, Reconstruction