
2017 Redress x Cathay Pacific: The Uniform Reconstruction Challenge

The Redress x Cathay Pacific Reconstruction Challenge took our 10 EcoChic Design Award finalists on a journey to explore solutions for the redirection of corporate uniform waste back into use. As emerging fashion designers, they are in a unique position to bring new ideas and creativity to a vast ongoing waste issue. Working in groups of two, finalists had three hours to develop an idea to reconstruct Cathay Pacific’s retired uniforms back into a new product. The resulting proto-types, which were made with mass production by local social enterprise in mind, were presented to a panel of judges who decided which team had shown the most promising solution to incorporate the airline’s valuable textile resources back into use. The winners were Kate Morris and Ayako Yoshida with their stylish travel pouch incorporating original features of pocket and gold lapels to enable easier production.

Watch the video summary here